Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Action Jackson reporting for duty!"

This used to be a silly way I’d answer my phone, only when I knew who was calling, of course. I remember a time when I was full of enthusiasm and energy. I haven’t felt that way in a long time, at least not on a consistent basis, and certainly not since a couple years after my name stopped being Jackson. I had set goals as a kid and ambitious as I was, I accomplished them before I was 30. I also had a baby, so my career ambitions took a sharp right turn. I found myself not feeling like I had much to offer in small talk, unless I was at a play date or a mom’s night out. I have a great husband, so no dating or anti-spouse talk; I have a stable job and good boss but most people aren’t interested in my profession, so no career talk. My family is my world but that isn’t juicy enough for most small talk.

I have been feeling downright B-O-R-I-N-G. Then I heard about the lists people were making – 101 things to do in 1001 days. I read the creative and simple things people put on their lists as well as the stretch goals. I started my own list and suddenly I feel much more alive! I have something to work toward!

That is what this blog is all about. I need some accountability – that is where you come in. Read my stories as I check things off my list. Give me feedback – especially good stuff. ;-)

But here’s my introductory disclaimer: I’m posting my list on here as I build it. Once I reach 101 I’m not taking anything off (I reserve the right to mix things around a bit or swap goals as the list is developing, hehe).

I’ll blog as I go so I have some accountability in making some progress. And MAYBE I’ll inspire another mom/wife-in-a-slump to add some spice to her life too!

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